Thursday 18 October 2012

Bouncing Ball Animation Exercise

We were given a task to complete 3 animation sequences depicting balls of different materials bouncing.

The materials which I chose to animate were:

Rubber ball x2
Water balloon 
Iron ball
Ping pong ball

The first sequence I created I did entirely from my imagination of what I percieved the movement of a bouncing ball to look like. I did no research prior to starting and as a result the sequence was not very convincing. There was no sence of gravity as the balls in each frame were all placed an equal distance apart. 

I decided to start from scratch with the rubber ball sequence and used an arc to trace the placement of the balls.

This helped me align the balls better however I was still not getting a very realistic feel of movement and gravity. The squash and stretch of the ball was over-exaggerated and the overall effect needed to be improved upon.

The next sequence I made was a water balloon. 
I realised I could make things a lot easier for myself if I drew out each frame on a singe sheet of paper and later trace them individually. 

I used YouTube videos as references for the distortion of the water balloon.

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