Tuesday, 27 November 2012

this is a summary of what I've done so far, youtube makes the clip longer i think its actually like 12 seconds and i need to cut down some of the looped sequences so really ive done more like 9 or 10 seconds
the editing is pretty bad in the final version i will probably re-capture some of the scenes on take 5 so the brightness/contrast is consistant and also make sure the frames actually line up cause it goes pretty squint in the second clip.
I plan to work up the quality of the second clip as it doesn't really match the others and also i need to recapture the last sequence in one go so it doesnt look so stupid.

On the last clip I continued to use the layering feature in take 5 and used a single paper cut out 'meteorite' and moved it manually out of the crater. it needs a little more work to make it look convincing though

i've realised with almost 10 out of 20 seconds already done and only a third through the storyboard i probably wont get to complete it and i might have to round it off at the point where it falls into the lake or something .....

Friday, 23 November 2012

testing out the smoke sequence after the meteorite crash. For this I experimented with Take 5's layering options and had the crater, the boulder and the smoke on 3 different layers. I threw the camera's focus off a little on the smoke layer to blur it and give it a better smokey effect.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Here is the clip of the meteorite crashing into the mountain that I plan to use in my film. I drew the frames in Paint Tool SAI and imported them into Pencil to animate them.

It took me a few attempts to get the meteorite to look convincing. Here are some of my first tries:

The first attempt I used too many frames and didn't take enough care to align them properly. The second was better but still too many frames to make it look real. The final version I only used 5 frames of the meteor in the sky as opposed to the 20ish i used in the first version.

If I have time I would like to do something with the lighting in this scene to make it a little less static, maybe i can try animating the clouds/mist too.

Here are some of the clips I used as references:

Monday, 12 November 2012

Test sequence for the first scene of my animation
(meteorite falling from space)
5 frames at 12fps looped for 5 seconds

Friday, 2 November 2012

shaniqua the shark

storyboard for 'when balls go bad' animation

so this is the start of my ideas for this assignment - my 'ball' starts out as a meteorite that falls to earth into the side of a mountain. It rolls out of its crater and snowballs down the mountain, getting bigger as it picks up the snow. Eventually it reaches a lake/sea and falls in, the snow melting off. it gets eaten by a fish, which is subsequently eaten by a larger fish and  in turn is eaten by a shark. i'm not sure how many seconds this sequence will take so i may have to end it at this point, however depending on how it goes i would like to have some way to get the ball back out of the fish and have it come to a final resting place.
character sheet