Tuesday 27 November 2012

this is a summary of what I've done so far, youtube makes the clip longer i think its actually like 12 seconds and i need to cut down some of the looped sequences so really ive done more like 9 or 10 seconds
the editing is pretty bad in the final version i will probably re-capture some of the scenes on take 5 so the brightness/contrast is consistant and also make sure the frames actually line up cause it goes pretty squint in the second clip.
I plan to work up the quality of the second clip as it doesn't really match the others and also i need to recapture the last sequence in one go so it doesnt look so stupid.

On the last clip I continued to use the layering feature in take 5 and used a single paper cut out 'meteorite' and moved it manually out of the crater. it needs a little more work to make it look convincing though

i've realised with almost 10 out of 20 seconds already done and only a third through the storyboard i probably wont get to complete it and i might have to round it off at the point where it falls into the lake or something .....

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